
Monday, April 4, 2011

Tarotscopes for April 2011

Well, here we are, April Tarotscopes...and they are, admittedly, a few days late.  I don't know if it's the Mercury Retrograde or what but I've been feeling really off these last few days especially and I haven't been able to get on track with doing these cards!  But, here are, finally with the readings for this month.  

Rather than using the Tarot of the Sidhe, which I had been using when I first started to do these, I switched decks to the Tarot of Dreams by Ciro Marchetti.  I spent a few hours staring at my Tarot of the Sidhe cards wondering what to do and why I was feeling so off and my guides told me that I needed to try another deck for this month.  I haven't had a chance to use this deck for the tarotscopes yet so here we are!  

If you haven't seen this deck, it's pretty similar to many of Marchetti's other decks since it has the same artistic style as we've seen in his other decks.  But there's something special about this one and after several years of wanting this deck I was finally able to get a copy of it when a standard edition was made available.  You can see images of the cards and order a copy if it happens to tickle your fancy by visiting Ciro Marchetti's website

Aries -The Star and Strength
It's going to be a great month for you to really shine and see the rewards of your hard work and efforts in past months but you need to keep optimistic, even when it seems like things are getting a little off once again.  Being "off" doesn't mean that everything is falling apart.  You're strong and you're in a powerful place this month to really use that strength and inner fire to get what you want.  Be the bright and shining star you're meant to be this month.

Taurus - Ace of Wands and The Priestess
There will be a strong urge this month for you to really get moving on some plans or things that you have had been wanting to get done for some time.  A strong inner flame is going to be burning and you'll be ready to take action, especially if there are creative opportunities involved.  These experiences are going to present some chances for you to really start looking more at your inner self.  Creative projects that might allow you to really express your spirituality and find some answers about yourself from within.  Don't be afraid to express your true self this month!

Gemini - Seven of Wand and Palace of Swords
You might be feeling a bit like you need to be on your guard all month, particularly when it comes to people wanting to known you down from places of power or position this month.  Be sure to keep yourself aware of whether or not you might be getting yourself into some of these sticky situations by trying to put yourself up on a pedestal that you don't belong on or haven't earned.  If you're not on solid ground it wont take much for you to get knocked down by those that would love to see you fall.

Cancer - Six of Wands and Seven of Cups
After wondering if things were ever going to go right or if certain situations were ever going to play out in your favor, this month you'll finally have a chance to see things go your way.  But chances are this is because you've made some changes to the way you were doing things before and it isn't just some random turn of events.  If you want to keep things moving smoothly be sure to examine what you've done, how you've changed, and what sort of changes and choices you need to actively take in order to keep things rolling in your favor.

Leo - Three of Coins and Ten of Coins
April is going to be a busy, busy month when it comes to work.  Don't be surprised if you find yourself doing overtime, taking on extra projects, or doing other sorts of extra work or giving help to those around you.  But the upside to this is that not only will there be some financial reward for your extra work (a bonus or overtime cash is quite possible) but this extra effort and your willingness to do it with a smile will also make you noticed in other ways.  Doing these things now will definitely look favorably on your later.

Virgo - Four of Swords and King of Cups
You might find that taking a break this month, especially from any emotional drama that might be going on around you, will quite possibly help you stay focused this month.  There are definitely things that you will need, or want, to address and be involved in, but know what to fill your cup with this month so that it doesn't spill over.  In other words, pick your battles and know what you're capable of doing and giving yourself to.  Just be sure that no matter what you're doing that you're being sure to keep your head above water.

Libra - Queen of Swords and Nine of Cups
Your key word for the month of April is going to be "discernment".  You need to be aware of what's going on around you, aware of the projects and things you're involved in with others, and fully aware of the stages that they are in.  Some things that you may have been instrumental in getting off the ground may no longer need you strong involvement anymore.  Will they be in good hands if you walk away?  Can you put your name on these projects and be proud of what you've done?  You've worked hard but now is the time to celebrate and let go of the things that you have brought into the world.  Your rewards are ready to be harvested!

Scorpio - Two of Swords and Page of Cups
A delicate balance will need to be found and maintained this month.  You may find that some really important decisions need to be made this month, especially within some close, personal relationships, and especially if there are children involved.  These decisions could be difficult one that you might not want to have to face.  Be sure that you're not wearing blinders or, even worse, looking at matters through rose colored glasses.  There are opportunities for growth in this and you'll be surprised by the emotional depth shows itself.  Remember to be open and flexible to ensure that the best plan of action for everyone is route you take in your decision making.

Sagittarius - Three of Swords and King of Coins
Something this month is going to really hit you right in the heart.  Something or someone is going to come along and make you feel like you have been hit hard.  It's possible that this is something that is a delayed reaction from an actual heartbreaking event that took place previously.  But as you start out this month feeling this pain you'll be able to hone in on and find ways to heal it. Do not just accept this state of sadness and instead move ahead and let this be a month of healing and refocusing yourself.  Know that you have many things around you to be thankful for and know you are loved and blessed.

Capricorn -Five of Wands and Nine of Swords
A disagreement or full out argument with someone close could make the whole month a bit difficult because of feelings of guilt about how things happened.  You might find that this is something that really just got blown out of proportion without any real ill intent.  You may have taken something the wrong way or said something that you didn't meant to be taken the way it was and as a result you might be spending most of the month feeling like the whole thing was your fault.  Don't be to hard on yourself because you could potentially just make things worse in your own head.

Aquarius - Palace of Wands and Seven of Coins
This month you may really feel that you are in your flow with work and any sort of creative ventures that you might be working on.  You could almost say anything that you want to create and put out into the world is possible this month and if you're doing these things for the sake of growing and developing things for the future you'll be in a good position to do it this month. The thing to remember is that this is all about growth and while you might get something really great rolling this month, don't expect a big pay of just yet.  It will come if you tend it with some good old TLC.

Pisces - Two of Coins and The Devil
Keep an eye on your finances and your spending this month.  There could be some opportunities for some overspending to happen and once it starts it's possible that it could get a little out of hand and before you know it you're whole savings plan or other financial expectations may have gone completely off the rails.  Any overspending or budget blowing this month could mean months of trying to get things back on track. Be sure to keep your mind on striking up a balance for yourself between need and want this month and you should be able to keep things under wraps.

And don't forget to sign up for my monthly newsletters for details and info on projects I'm doing, reading specials I'm offering, and upcoming classes and events I'm going to be involved in.  My newsletter comes out around the first or second of the month and has a card of the month and small articles about a crystal for the month and a musical recommendation for that month.  My One Witch's Way newsletter is more focused more on magick and Paganism and comes out on the full moon of each month with spells and magickal information, suggestions for simple full and new moon celebrations and much more.